
Site Rules

To make your stay here a pleasant one, we keep the site clean and tidy with the help of a small volunteer service crew.

Please help keep the site clean by following these simple rules:

Respect your fellow campers

Leave no trace - please take all your rubbish home with you

Leaders should make themselves and those in their care, aware of the fire action plan and the location of the fire assembly point

No smoking at all on the site or in the buildings

No dogs on site except for assistance dogs

All vehicles should be left in the car park, at owner's risk, leaving roads clear for emergency access

Parking is limited so please park courteously to enable an easy exit. If parking is required on Highashes Lane please keep the road clear and respect local residents

Pans and utensils from the huts should not be used on open fires

Tables and chairs from the huts should not be used outside

Outdoor equipment for cooking can be provided on request

The campfire circle should not be used for cooking

Fire bases should be left clean after use and ash put in the bins provided

Any unused wood should be returned tidily to the wood store

Fireworks are not permitted on site, we are in a rural area with livestock close by. Please respect our neighbours

Trees and walls should not be climbed or damaged in any way

No pots / pans / utensils should be washed in the toilet block. Please wash them in the area provided. This should be left clean and tidy after use

Before you leave you should ensure that all areas used are clean and tidy

Please make sure that the toilets and showers are cleaned thoroughly, as per the booking conditions, before you leave the site

Gates should be closed whilst you are on site

Any damages should be reported to the booking secretary immediately

Please follow the Scout Association policy on Alcohol (Purple Card)

Spitewinter Scout Campsite is managed by Chesterfield District Scouts. With the help of a small volunteer service crew.

Contact Info

Spitewinter Scout Campsite, Matlock Rd, Chesterfield, S45 0LL
(Please note this is not a postal address)


Booking Secretary

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